We help business majors succeed in college & careers

Learn how to excel in college, figure out your ideal career, and get hired without endless job searching.

Upside Academy (Free)

Navigate college and career challenges with confidence. 🎓

(Free courses to get started)

Private • 136 Members • Free

Upside Academy Premium

Navigate college and career challenges with confidence. 🎓

Join us for insider tips, mentorship, and resources designed to help business majors excel.

Private • 6 Members • $297/year

1:1 Coaching and Workshops

Offering tailored workshops for colleges and clubs, plus personalized coaching for individual growth.

Personalized Solutions

Upside Academy VIP

Exclusive 1:1 VIP access to Matthew and other coaches. Only for students who are looking for extra 1:1 support from industry experts.

Private • $297/month

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